Saturday, 19 December 2009

Majlis Perpisahan Cikgu Nennee

Pada 25 November 2009 bersamaan dengan 8 Zulhijjah 1430, Sekolah Rendah DPS Ukong telah meraikan majlis perpisahan guru sekolah ini iaitu Cikgu Nennee Binti Nendaroh. Beliau telah mengajar selama 7 tahun di sekolah ini dan telah mengajar English RELA dan ICT. Selama perkhidmatan di sekolah ini, beliau telah banyak membantu mengendalikan dan menjayakan projek-projek yang telah diadakan di sekolah ini. Pihak sekolah ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih atas usaha yang telah diberikan oleh Cikgu Nennee demi Sekolah Rendah DPS ukong.

Sebuah kata-kata untuk beliau :-

I hate to say good-bye
Yet we have to say farewell
For we shall meet again
That I can foretell

The future is unpredictable
Tomorrow is uncertain
Keep our laughs and memoirs
But I wish you have no burden

We shall keep on learning
Remain as students and become as mentors
Face the unknown with confident yearning

Pursue our life endeavours

I wish you farewell,
To new and better things,
No matter how hard it is,
Never give it up.
Reach for what you want,
And you'll soar into the sky.
So long, I bid you a farewell,
No matter how hard it may be to let you go.
I'll see you again,
whether you come to visit or it's in my memories.
Never forget those who love you,
for they are always there for you.
I wish you a farewell,
To a new and more exciting adventure.
Although there will be hard times,
Forget them and remember the good ones
You had here with your family and friends.

Dhainee Pfafflin, Holli Casey

Farewell, My Friends, Adieu